Tag: Twitter

Brexit Latest Part Two: Reforms

October 24, 2019 By Malcolm Blair-Robinson

The Constitution A gobsmacked world  looks on in dismay as the UK slowly throttles itself in a tangle of argument, prejudice, constitutional failure and muddled thinking. So the first reforms are to the constitution. We must repeal the Five Year Parliament Act, restore the royal prerogative of the prime minister to ask for a dissolution […]

Brexit Latest Part One: Deadlock

October 24, 2019 By Malcolm Blair-Robinson

Once again parliament has shown it cannot govern. Agreeing Boris’s Brexit deal is pointless if there is no agreement on how to put it into law. The normal structure of government and opposition has to fall away to be replaced by consensus. Getting the Withdrawal Agreement through all stages in two days is not reasonable, […]

Brexit: Now What?

October 21, 2019 By Malcolm Blair-Robinson

Once again the position of this Blog is simple. Recall Article 50 and scrap the whole thing. Brexit is a mess. Nobody can agree what it means, nobody can agree what they want, nobody knows how it will work, nobody knows whether there will be benefit or cost. Moreover everybody sees it as an end […]

Will The DUP Block Boris?

October 17, 2019 By Malcolm Blair-Robinson

So far yes, but in a situation as fluid as the current fiasco, anything may happen. But the DUP must tread with very great care. They are a Leave  party in a Remain country or province. Unionists no longer have a majority in the Assembly, which is why they are making so many difficulties about […]

Trump’s Troubles: How Bad Is It?

October 10, 2019 By Malcolm Blair-Robinson

By a normal measure very bad. But for Trump not so bad. It is the very nature of his presidency that the electoral college votes of almost all heartland America went to Trump. They did not vote for an honourable and righteous man but for the very antithesis. They backed Trump, not because he was […]

Brexit Plan: EU Stands Firm

October 8, 2019 By Malcolm Blair-Robinson

It can come as no surprise to anyone that the Boris plan is hitting the EU buffers, because it offends against all the principles that underpin the EU as a political as well as trading union. It offends against the good Friday Agreement because an all Ireland economy and social order, now enjoyed, will be […]