Tag: Twitter

Government Crisis: So What Now?

September 7, 2019 By Malcolm Blair-Robinson

The much vaunted Number Ten machine, made up of No Deal and Brexit fundamentalists,  who believe themselves invincible, has suffered a catastrophic set of reverses. It has bust their brand, showed Johnson to be useless, handed control of the Commons to an unlikely alliance, which includes former Tories kicked out in a tantrum, led by […]

Boris Government Goes Up In Flames

September 5, 2019 By Malcolm Blair-Robinson

After what appeared to be a promising start, Boris has turned out to be what so many claimed he was, egocentric, shallow, unable to seek consensus, bullying and divisive. In other words an appalling prime minister. His whole game plan is in ruins and his government paralysed by an opposition alliance led by Corbyn, much […]

Parliament Shut Down: Scottish Court Ruling

September 4, 2019 By Malcolm Blair-Robinson

The Ruling that the government has not broken any law by its prorogation of parliament is in line with this blog’s position that this is a political, rather than a legal issue. An uncodified constitution which relies on convention, practice, precedent and some statutes, is hard to pin down in closely balanced disputes, of which […]

A Constitutional Outrage? No, Not Really.

August 29, 2019 By Malcolm Blair-Robinson

The suspension, or proroguing, of parliament by the Queen would never have been approved by her, if it violated the constitution, because her many advisers and lawyers would have cautioned against it. Moreover it is following precedent and practice appropriate to the formation of a new government at a time of year when it is […]

Boris Launches A Political Blitzkrieg

August 28, 2019 By Malcolm Blair-Robinson

Like  the German smash through the Ardennes in 1940, scattering the Allied armies hither and thither which nobody saw coming,  this proroguing of parliament followed by a Queen’s Speech establishing the new government’s credentials and programme for the country post Brexit, has caught all Westminster on hop. With a punch which makes the combined opposition, […]

UK Crises: Things Are Hotting Up.

August 20, 2019 By Malcolm Blair-Robinson

I use the plural because there are so many. Brexit, Constitution, Ireland, Parliament, underfunding of Public Services, Social Care are just the main centres of a gathering storm. So far the Boris government has had a pretty free rein with parliament in recess. The new team of campaigners and ministers surrounding him have kept up […]