Tag: Twitter

Does Crash Brexit Really Mean Freedom?

July 15, 2019 By Malcolm Blair-Robinson

No It means the opposite. Instead of this country having more control over its destiny it will have less. More to the point, politicians will have far less authority than they have now. Why? Because the world’s largest single market, through which we enjoy advantageous trade with about 40 countries and which now has free […]

The Falling Pound

July 12, 2019 By Malcolm Blair-Robinson

This blog has said many times that there can be no realistic attempt at a post Brexit recovery unless the pound is worth close to one dollar and marginally less than a Euro. I stand by that conclusion. But I also say that the current predictions of a rapid fall to dollar parity in the […]

What the Ambassador Said

July 8, 2019 By Malcolm Blair-Robinson

What the British ambassador said about the Trump administration not only comes as no surprise, but it is common currency among diplomats and politicians the world over. He also said Trump should not be written off. Wise words because  the definition of populism is in an unorthodox form of politics which breaks all rules and […]

Time to Recall Article 50?

July 3, 2019 By Malcolm Blair-Robinson

It is three years since the Brexit project began; a simple in or out concept which would be, according to its promoters, the easiest negotiation in history, if out were the choice. It was. And here we are, three years on in political, constitutional and Brexit chaos. Positively nobody knows what is going to happen. […]

Leadership Contest: Or Row? Or Worse?

June 27, 2019 By Malcolm Blair-Robinson

The unique contest between Boris and Hunt, the first when the membership outside parliament of a political party has elected a leader when that party is the government, is becoming increasingly unreal. Unreal because Hunt is making wildly optimistic assertions of his powers as a negotiator when he knows very well that the chances of […]

Ease Back on Iran

June 25, 2019 By Malcolm Blair-Robinson

The history of heavy handed confrontation with the aspiration of regime change, or at least a revision of political behaviors, is one of almost complete failure. At best some sort of stand off becomes the norm and at worst a pointless war begins which goes on and on and achieves little. So it is impossible […]

U.S. Cyber Attack

June 23, 2019 By Malcolm Blair-Robinson

If the reports of an American cyber attack on Iranian military systems are true it makes sense. The U.S. enthusiasm for deploying enormous firepower in carrier led battle fleets is awe inspiring, visible and sobering. But it is  old fashioned and might very well lead to the kind of wars without end that the Trump […]

Boris’s Bust Up

June 22, 2019 By Malcolm Blair-Robinson

Wow. It did not take long! Already Boris is embroiled in controversy. It must be said that the private lives of other people are no concern of this blog. All families and relationships have their ups and downs. To many people Boris is Boris and like Trump he is a Teflon person of whom people […]

Boris v Hunt

June 21, 2019 By Malcolm Blair-Robinson

As  predicted by this blog in previous posts Stewart fell, Gove had baggage to do with Boris and Hunt, the man in the neat suit who talked to the issues and answered the questions, got through to the final. Just. Rumours of votes being traded trickle through Westminster. They are probably right. Among its many […]

Tory Ballot: The Moment of Truth

June 20, 2019 By Malcolm Blair-Robinson

By the end of today we will know whose challenge Boris will have to defeat to become Prime Minister. Yesterday saw the end of the energising campaign of Rory Stewart, brought down for the very reasons set out in my previous posts, in which I opined that his was the pragmatic realism the country needed […]