Tag: Instagram

Boris v Hunt

June 21, 2019 By Malcolm Blair-Robinson

As  predicted by this blog in previous posts Stewart fell, Gove had baggage to do with Boris and Hunt, the man in the neat suit who talked to the issues and answered the questions, got through to the final. Just. Rumours of votes being traded trickle through Westminster. They are probably right. Among its many […]

Tory Ballot: The Moment of Truth

June 20, 2019 By Malcolm Blair-Robinson

By the end of today we will know whose challenge Boris will have to defeat to become Prime Minister. Yesterday saw the end of the energising campaign of Rory Stewart, brought down for the very reasons set out in my previous posts, in which I opined that his was the pragmatic realism the country needed […]

That Debate: What It Revealed

June 19, 2019 By Malcolm Blair-Robinson

The format of last night’s BBC leadership debate was wrong. It was clever but it did not work. A debate without an audience becomes an argument and arguments are frustrating things to watch. Emily Maitlis did her very best, but too often everybody was shouting and nothing could be heard. Superficially Hunt, Gove and Javid […]

Iran: Get Real

June 18, 2019 By Malcolm Blair-Robinson

Since the days of the US hostages I have felt the West’s approach has been rather lacking in imagination when dealing with Iran. More recently there has been some divergence between the Trump administration and the EU. The US policy is a mixture of fawning over the Saudis, obeying Israel’s commands to dump the Palestinians, […]

Latest From The Western Isles

June 12, 2019 By Malcolm Blair-Robinson

Parliament has rejected the Labour led attempt to prevent a No Deal Brexit. Good. Many readers who have read previous posts will recall I rejoiced when the Supreme Court ruled the the government could not proceed with Article 50 without the approval of parliament. Well, I have changed my mind. Parliament cannot govern. It can […]

Trump and Boris

June 1, 2019 By Malcolm Blair-Robinson

It comes as no surprise that Trump has intervened, against diplomatic protocol, in domestic UK politics, by backing Boris for PM. Nor that John Bolton wants the UK out of Europe. The US is short on Western allies at the moment. Having the UK detached from Europe and back under US dominance would be handy. […]

A View From The Western Isles

May 30, 2019 By Malcolm Blair-Robinson

I am up here taking a family break, but keeping an eye on what is going on. I have some thoughts, more questions really, than answers. But I think they are worth sharing. BREXIT I do not see how it is possible in a democracy, even with our unwritten constitution, to remove from the EU […]

EU Elections UK. Beware A Sea Change

May 22, 2019 By Malcolm Blair-Robinson

First of all refer to previous posts for an explanation of why tinkering with our constitution has made the government dysfunctional on the major issue of the day, Brexit, which in turn has sucked the oxygen out of  the Tory government’s ability to do anything. Next understand the importance in democratic politics of a left, […]