Tag: Instagram

Labour Split: First Reaction

February 18, 2019 By Malcolm Blair-Robinson

In adversarial politics, political parties are essentially tribes. In some countries there is a single party of the left and another of the right. Elsewhere left and right are split into factions or smaller parties which have to come together in a coalition grouping to govern. In the England, which is the dominant country of […]

Opinion Polls: A Warning To Labour

February 13, 2019 By Malcolm Blair-Robinson

It is my personal experience that in my lifetime our country has never been so badly governed, nor has it been subjected to such a grossly dysfunctional economic model which continually makes the rich richer and the poor poorer. Aside from Brexit chaos, transport muddle, Universal Credit failure and unreasonable pressure on all public services […]

Grayling: Should He Go?

February 11, 2019 By Malcolm Blair-Robinson

Usually when everybody calls for a minister to go, there is a backdrop of scandal or misjudgement over a particular issue. With Chris Grayling it is not one thing but many; an accumulation of disaster and detachment in two Departments, Justice and Transport. In each problems, unresolved, pile up under Grayling’s leadership. So in a […]

Brexit: Labour Steps Up To the Plate

February 8, 2019 By Malcolm Blair-Robinson

The Brexit drama is hotting up and reaching a moment when something will happen which will change the nature and identity as well as the future prospects of the United Kingdom. But nobody knows what or how. The EU is now describing the situation in our country as a fiasco. This blog agrees. To reiterate […]