Tag: Instagram

Not A Government: May in Chaos

January 22, 2019 By Malcolm Blair-Robinson

As expected May said nothing yesterday, except to abolish the disgraceful charge to EU citizens who apply for Settled Status. Otherwise it was more of the same. Her red lines are still there. Her fantasies about Irish Backstops are still there. Her blind stubbornness in trying to unite the two halves of her busted party […]


January 20, 2019 By Malcolm Blair-Robinson

Rudolf Hess, Hitler’s deputy and right hand man, flew to Scotland on a mysterious peace mission in 1941, which has never been convincingly explained, to meet unidentified politicians who wanted to end the war. The truth has been covered up for generations because to reveal it would somehow undermine the honour and constitutional fabric of […]

Brexit: Have People Had Enough?

January 20, 2019 By Malcolm Blair-Robinson

As the political chaos mounts, with unprecedented disarray in the notion of what is supposed to be government, there is polling evidence that people are going cold on the whole Brexit project. One such poll shows 56% now want to stay in the EU, giving credence to the theory, supported by this blog, that there […]

Seeing a GP.

January 19, 2019 By Malcolm Blair-Robinson

The GP concept is at the heart of a lot of the problems in the NHS. At the beginning, when the NHS was founded, doctors in General Practice did not approve of it and were refusing to join. The Labour government caved in and allowed them to remain independent but under contract to the NHS. […]

Trade Deals? There are None

January 18, 2019 By Malcolm Blair-Robinson

It has now emerged that in spite of promises to ‘replicate’ the more than 50 trade deals the UK has with third countries through membership of the EU, including Japan and Canada, none have been made ready for signature nor are anywhere near being ready by March 29th. Trade deals turn out to be much […]