Tag: Instagram

Brexit: Political Chaos

January 11, 2019 By Malcolm Blair-Robinson

The vote on May’s deal is set for Tuesday. It represents a climatic moment in a story of political confusion arising from the biggest failure of governance in GB’s peacetime history. But it will not end there because if the vote is lost absolutely nobody anywhere knows what will happen next, taking uncertainty about this […]

Trump’s Wall: Is He Losing his Grip?

January 9, 2019 By Malcolm Blair-Robinson

Trump has become his own worst enemy. His mid-east policy, especially in regard to Syria and Saudi Arabia, is a mess. In recent days Pompeo and Bolton have been in the region saying opposite things. Turkey is furious that Trump appears to be back peddling on his Syria withdrawal announcement, anger made worse by the […]

Social Housing: Listen to Shelter

January 8, 2019 By Malcolm Blair-Robinson

Shelter’s claim that Britain needs 3 million new affordable homes at the rate of 300,000 new builds a year is both timely and on the ball. The present system, in which a handful of new social housing is completed each year, while millions of families live in rented accommodation they cannot afford which has to […]

NHS Funding

January 7, 2019 By Malcolm Blair-Robinson

The NHS is chronically underfunded, the more so if you include social care. The much trumpeted £20 billion a year extra  to be reached over five years is really inadequate, as the government very well knows. The budget of roughly  £125 billion sounds a lot but in the context of the entire health system it […]

What Now For May?

January 6, 2019 By Malcolm Blair-Robinson

You can well ask. Never has the political situation in this country been more confused and uncertain when a major constitutional and economic change is bearing down upon a parliament unable to agree about anything. May still thinks she can get her deal through the House. Perhaps. But Perhaps not. Then what? A crash Brexit. […]