Tag: Instagram

May’s Fight

December 12, 2018 By Malcolm Blair-Robinson

Even fools can see that not only is it ridiculous, self indulgent and counter productive to trigger a leadership election, but also demeaning to the notion that Great Britain retains its ability to govern itself coherently. Not only are the Tory hard Brexiteers who are driving this plunge into farce of historic proportions indeed fools, […]

Brexit Crisis: Coming to the Boil

December 10, 2018 By Malcolm Blair-Robinson

At what is clearly a critical and historic moment it is right for this blog to re-state my position. The EU is the greatest political achievement since the fall of Rome, uniting the whole European family and civilization into a single economic and political entity, sharing sovereignty, whilst at the same time preserving independent nation […]

Another White House Exit

December 9, 2018 By Malcolm Blair-Robinson

It has been known for some time that General Kelly was unlikely to stay. It is surprising he lasted so long. The military mind is built on discipline, rules, order and obedience. You would think such qualities ideal for the seat of Executive Government. But the Trump White House is built around Trump. Most Presidents […]

Tory Turmoil: Watch Amber Rudd

December 8, 2018 By Malcolm Blair-Robinson

It is pointless for this blog to entangle itself in the chaotic political situation in which this country finds itself after eight years of Tory led rule, but as the country faces the biggest peacetime crisis in living memory, perhaps ever, the level of fantasizing by one government minister after another is horrific. Everyone talks […]

New Dark Crime Series: Zara Vine

December 7, 2018 By Malcolm Blair-Robinson

Gripping new crime thriller from Tor Raven. New genre, new characters, new style, fast, punchy and very readable.Download or Paperback.  OR  READ FREE with  KINDLE UNLIMITED  Zara Vine is a modern woman with a troubled history and a talent for turning baggage into power. As the youngest Detective Superintendent of the Metropolitan Police she is […]

Brexit Chaos: Where Are We Now?

December 7, 2018 By Malcolm Blair-Robinson

Good Question. For which there is no answer. In spite of minor concessions and a blizzard of ministerial interventions all over the country, the expectation is that May will lose the vote on Tuesday. In the olden days before Cameron’s silly parliament act, that would have been the end of the government. But now it […]