Tag: Instagram

Forgotten Brexit: But Not In DUP Land

July 4, 2021 By Malcolm Blair-Robinson

The pandemic has more or less driven Brexit from public consciousness. Except in Northern Ireland. NI voted against leaving the EU by a comfortable majority. Inexplicably, the DUP who lead the government there, campaigned for Leave. They got their way. Now the consequences are clear they don’t like it. Sorry, no sympathy from me. The […]

Blog Returns from Holiday

July 3, 2021 By Malcolm Blair-Robinson

I have been away in places where Wi-Fi is in the stone age and more recently have been very busy with family reunions as lockdown restrictions ease. Now I feel motivated to start commenting again. As an opening  thought I think it is time to update the scope of this blog. It is a commentary […]

The Queen’s Speech

May 12, 2021 By Malcolm Blair-Robinson

The most remarkable thing about it was that it was delivered by the Queen herself, flawlessly and without any stumbles at the age of 95, having in recent months lost her husband, had a family bust up and been locked down by Covid. No stamina or mental health issues here for sure. Whether you are […]